




  1. 飼養寵物並非一項短暫的人生體驗,而是一個對動物的終生承諾。

Raising pets is not a short and provisional life experience; rather, it can be referred to as a whole life commitment to animals.

2. 在享受寵物所帶來的歡樂時,我們不該忽略要善盡照顧他們的責任。

While enjoying the pleasure brought by our pets, we should not ignore our responsibility for taking good care of them.




提示︰不同的公園,可能樣貌不同,特色也不同。請以此為主題,並依據下列兩張圖片的內容,寫一篇英文作文,文分兩段。第一段描述圖A 和圖B 中的公園各有何特色,第二段則說明你心目中理想公園的樣貌與特色,並解釋你的理由。

Indeed, those two photos shown above have showcased a stark contrast in terms of their designs and atmospheres. The facilities shown on (A) photo have been specially tailored to meet the needs of children who may enjoy playing, including playground slide. Though simple, this park will enable the parents to find a good place aimed at having fun and doing exercise for their children under the age of 12 years old. In particular, normally what actually makes this place so special is its pervasive laughter and yelling derived from those children playing there. Simply put, this place is oftentimes perceived as the heaven of playing amongst children. On the other hand, the other park shown on the photo (B) tends to be more likely to spark people’s nostalgia when it comes to the fundamental element of a traditional park featuring its dense trees, grass and walking paths. To make it more specific, this park can provide people with a peaceful atmosphere and wide space for relaxation. Rather than the inundation of children’s noise, serenity is what truly constitutes the very value of this park. As a consequence, many adults, especially those immersed in their hectic lifestyle, perceive this sort of park as their priority when it comes to relaxing themselves.  

From my personal standpoint, my ideal park should be composed of some fundamental elements, together with a serene atmosphere that really matters when it comes to locating a park to relax myself. Overall, where we live can be referred to as congested enough to keep us hard to breathe; hence, having a relaxing, cozy and serene park tends to be vital to me. That means, rather than seeking more advanced facilities installed inside the park, trees, grass and walking paths have their insurmountable position when it comes to choosing my preferred park. Here are the reasons to uphold my stance. To start with, having access to great nature, marked by trees and grass, can be no less than my priority when it comes to singling out an ideal park. While walking through those trees with shadow, along with the walking paths available, I may relax myself to the fullest. More important is that all the complexity derived from my daily life in dealing with study can be abruptly annihilated, making it possible for me to regain my energy desperately needed for my busy life as a high school student. Based on what has been highlighted above, I may conclude by saying that a more traditional park, characterized by its relaxing atmosphere, together with some imperative elements such as trees, grass and walking paths, can be perceived as my priority.


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