- 歷史一再證明,戰爭會造成極為可怕的災難。
It was repeatedly evidenced by the history that war will give rise to extremely horrifying catastrophes.
2. 避免衝突、確保世界和平應該是所有人類追求的目標。
Avoiding conflict, as well as the assurance of world peace, should be the objective pursued by all the humans.

The widespread use of emoji can be referred to as not uncommon among people today while they are involved in any substantial or unofficial communication via the diverse media. With its emergence comes people’s sense of relaxation and ease as they are engaged in a mutual communication with others via internet. This phenomenon can be well founded on two primary reasons, consisting of convenience and relaxation deserving to be shared with others. The former features one thing that there is no need for people to use words that tend to be even more complicated and inconvenient. For example, instead of depicting how happy we are as we are in the course of communicating with others, we may simply employ a smiling emoji instead to get the job done. As a consequence, people tend to resort to using emoji so as to enormously minimize the time spent for their mutual communication with others. On the other hand, the latter simply stands for both relaxation and warmth, making it easier for our counterpart to receive our message with relaxation and warmth. This approach, once put into effect, may possibly result in a comfortable and harmonious atmosphere considered essential to the receiver’s pleasant feeling in the absence of both stress and tension.
In my view, both the third and fourth emoji, if inappropriately employed, can engender an undesirable wrong interpretation. For instance, some people may very likely classify the fourth emoji as exclusively suited to two lovers. As a result, right after applying this emoji, we have to further verify that what we intend to express is our pleasant or indebted feeling, rather than a feeling merely confined to lovers. Sometimes, we may possibly find it hard to locate an emoji that can be fully reflective of what it stands for. As a result, our remedial action taken by giving more explanation can definitely help avoid having any undesirable outcome as highlighted above. Meanwhile, when it comes to the third emoji, the receiver may possibly interpret that we are truly sad, which may in turn cause our counterpart’s sense of apprehension. To make up this drawback, we may contemplate using the first emoji as a means to smooth the air. By doing so, the receiver is not to feel that we are absolutely sad. Instead, our expression of disappointment or regret can be well recognized in the end. Again, we may not apply the exactly suitable emoji for some specific occasions. Nevertheless, our additional information subsequently given will enable us to avoid resulting in a miscommunication considered detrimental to us.
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