1. 每逢選舉季節,總會看到政治人物造訪各地著名廟宇。
Whenever encountering the season of election campaign, we can always see those politicians paying a visit to those renowned temples everywhere.
2. 除了祈求好的選舉結果,他們也希望展現對在地文化與習俗的尊重。
Apart from praying for a good election result, they also hope to fully exhibit their homage to the local cultures and customs.

With the rapid advancement of technology in the spectrum of AI and robot, our life has been made more convenient and much easier. For instance, this will subsequently benefit us provided we have a robot assistant to assist us in resolving our problems faced. Among those problems as indicated, I am looking forward to the participation of what is called robot assistant to enrich my life by more appropriately helping harness my mood swings. The reason is that I may often be encroached upon by the bad mood deemed detrimental to not merely my productive, pleasant life but my interpersonal relationship. That means, whenever stranded in my own melancholy mindset, I may turn to my robot assistance for consultation so that I may always remain on the right track imbued with positivism and optimism, insofar as my mood is concerned. Apart from that, I also hope that this robot, with its timely emergence, may help annihilate my likelihood to become indignant prior to posing a threat to my mindset and human relationship. To make it even more specific, this robot assistant can play a pivotal role in helping manage my own temper and bad mood with a view to keeping my life vibrant and more valuable, rather than pessimistic and out of control in terms of my temper.
Undoubtedly, this robot assistant must be well equipped with certain functions to get the job done. To begin with, it has to be able to scrutinize my negative or angry mood, followed by a series of counseling services accessible to me. By granting me timely references and assessments as to how I should rectify my own behavior, I can be immune from those predicaments as highlighted above. More important is that it is through our mutual, intimate communication that I may come up with a full-scale strategy, along with appropriate measures, to eliminate my problem faced. Above all, the companionship derived from this powerful robot assistant is absolutely what I can count on, especially when I am assaulted by loneliness, hopelessness and helplessness. That means, I won’t be left alone grappling with those problems on my own. Buttressed by this reliable partner, I may lead a life in the absence of any apprehension and helplessness. It is foreseeable that I may readily counter those problems encountered with the aid of this helping robot assistant, and that I may have access to a relatively good life because of its participation in my daily life.
洽詢電話: (04)2326-7868