Human imagination and creativity are the biggest driving forces that make technology advance.
Those magical objects appearing in the science fiction movies in the past are now gradually becoming a reality one by one.

Based on Taiwan’s phenomenal geographical location, marked by its frequent exposure to typhoons, the government has always remained vigilant in grappling with this undesirable and potentially devastating event. To well prevent and enormously minimize the casualty caused by typhoon, calling off the working day sometimes seems inevitable and necessary for its implementation. The left picture shown here conspicuously denotes that people all line up right in front of the counter in the theater waiting to purchase their tickets, followed by their nearly two-hour entertainment derived from watching the movies. Rather than staying home and undergoing so monotonous a day, those youngsters preferably go to the movies as an impeccable means to kill the time and simultaneously spend some time together with their friends. All that they relish is owing to their unexpected peculiar holiday blessed by the advent of the typhoon, making it possible for them to somewhat alleviate their tension and stress derived from their work. On the contrary, the right picture has showcased a stark contrast, which means that the workers are found heading for where they work, in that the foreseeable potential damage does not attain the level at which the typhoon will pose a threat to people’s safety. This decision normally is made by the local city government that will often be held responsible for whether to announce the cancellation of working day during the typhoon. Of course, it is predictable that some of them are definitely to voice their complaints for certain, especially when they know that the workers in the other regions of the country don’t have to work like them.
Indeed, it sounds like an equivocal issue when it comes to whether to cancel the day of working during the typhoon season. This is primarily because any inappropriate announcement will very likely either do the damage to our national economy or put the workers’ precious lives at stake. From my standpoint, I hold dear the concept that what is called “typhoon holiday”, if necessary when the typhoon is referred to as catastrophic or potentially treacherous, should be put into effect. I remain skeptical that one day off is to give rise to an overwhelming repercussion upon our national economy. With our country’s dynamic economic situation, together with the current advanced weather forecasting technology, I feel more inclined to be in favor of letting workers have access to staying home or doing something that is not to jeopardize their safety. This unexpected holiday, a blessing to them, may also let them enjoy a much more vivid lifestyle, where little will they be bombarded by their work imposed on them. In other words, from the emergence of typhoon comes their provisional sanctuary, the function of which can help escalate their more dynamic spirit to confront their work next day. The genuine, impressive experience I have ever gone through made me conscious of how precarious it is to go to school during the typhoon day, followed by my discontent and unprecedented sense of fear that could traumatize my mind for the rest of my life. Had the city government appropriately called off the day, I could have been immune from going through so dreadful an experience. Those points, inclusive of insignificant economic loss, along with the safety that outweighs everything and restoration of people’s vibrant working attitude, truly make me fully convinced that a specially tailored “typhoon holiday” seems more suited to us, rather than compelling workers to work, which may pose a potential threat to their precious lives.
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